PT. Yogya Presisi Tehnikatama Industri

  Jl. Cangkringan, Duri, Tirtomartani, Kec. Kalasan, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55571



Jl. Cangkringan, Duri, Tirtomartani, Kec. Kalasan, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55571


Kirim pembaruan atau Hapus



PT.YPTI is a small-medium scale industry involved in manufacturing. The company was founded in 1999 by Petrus Tedja Hapsoro. The company is run as family of 233 employees. Our culture and style of management is open and we stimulate the development of our employees on improving their skill. YPTI was the first manufacture company in the region that started in house CNC 5 Axis machine in 2004. our capability of 5 Axis CNC machine has been one of strengths in our company and one of the critical success factor on growing the business. PT YPTI is your precision partner to fulfill needs precision parts, checking fixture, mould making and plastic injection using the latest CNC Technology to provide customers satisfaction with high quality product.